From the 7th to the 15th of June, the creative team for the Québec exhibit at PQ 2019 will hold conversations on eco-design at one  o’clock daily. For the occasion, we will bring together thinkers and experts from around the world to explore the profound transformations that would make possible the emergence of a scenography of the future in the context of the global ecological crisis

We hope that gathering such a rich group of minds will trigger new thought process’ and ideas about our ways of working and creating.

The 1 o’clock conversations will be taking place in the Quebec exhibit and will be reccorded and shared online to profit a widder audience. Each one will reunite three profesionnals (politicians, pedagogues, producers, conceptors or constructors) and a design student. One keynote has already been selected for each talk and we are now inviting you to sign up for one of the open spots in the following link.

(The conversations will be conducted in English with the exception of the June 14th which be held in French.)